Giant bark jumping spider (Servaea incana) Female


Stripy legs, well camouflaged, active and inquisitive!

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This species of jumping spider is found under the bark of eucalyptus trees in southern Australia. They can grow up to 16mm in body length and likes to build silken retreats underneath bark.  At the moment we have a mix of of the lighter version of the species as well as the regular form.  Some individuals occasionally do not grow as large as the regular version, but still gets to a decent largish size.  These are variations within the species and are not detectable at a juvie stage.

They are very active and inquisitive, and hardy in captivity. Despite their intimidating size, these are a timid species and can be handled safely if respect is given, like handling all spiders.

Females and males are basically identical with males being slightly shaggier and more grey in colouration.

Care Tips:

This jumper should be fed baby/x-small crickets – no bigger than the spider’s body size. At the moment they are feeding on x-small crickets.

Enclosure should have bark hide available as this is their favourite hang-out place.  We recommend the The Bug Box or Little Bug Box

Watch our video setting up the Mini Bug Box with a Giant Bark Jumping Spider :

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