Australian tarantula (Phlogius strenuus “Lakelands”) slings


Cute baby tarantulas!


Phlogius is an unofficial genus of Australian Tarantulas (Theraphosidae) that is currently called ‘Selenocosmia’. sp. strenuus is found in FNQ and is one of the larger Phlogius species, with adults growing to 20cm in legspan.

These are slings with a roughly body length of 1cm. This form of strenuus is found around the lakelands of Northern Queensland.

Tarantula slings should be fed pre-killed crickets (euthanised, to do this –  put the cricket in the fridge for 5 minutes, and then into the freezer for 15-20 minutes, then they don’t feel a thing). Do not feed them live ones, as they can damage the sling. Here at Bug frenzy we care about our bugs and as such we don’t recommend “partially crushing the crickets heads” (As recommended by some keepers) as this is very painful for the cricket and quite frankly, cruel.

Optional kit includes:

  • Sling container with push-release lid (7cm tall with 5.5cm diameter)
  • Coco-peat based substrate ( includes a small percentage of red clay and sand.
  • Small fake plant for decoration and an anchor for webbing
  • Sphagnum moss (comes with sling)

WARNING : Tarantulas have tarsal claws and scopula pads and can climb plastic and glass, be careful.

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