False garden mantis (Pseudomantis albofimbriata) nymph

(5 customer reviews)


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Pseudomantis albofimbriata is a relatively large and robust mantis found throughout eastern australia. Nymphs can be an array of colours, usually a base brown or green often with pink markings on the abdomen. Adults are green, or very rarely brown with a white edge to the wings.

While the name “false garden mantis” might imply that this is not a true mantis, along with the genus name (‘Psuedomantis’ = ‘almost mantis”), it actually refers to the genus Mantis, which includes the Australian Eight-spot mantis (Mantis octospilota) and the European mantis (Mantis religiosa), so therefore Psuedomantis is actually saying that it is almost like the genus Mantis, as these are true mantids.


Sold as Captive bred  nymphs eating x-small crickets

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