Whip Scorpion Care Guide

Whip scorpions, scientifically known as Amblypygids, are fascinating nocturnal arachnids that share traits with spiders and scorpions but belong to their own unique order. In Australia, they are commonly referred to as Whip Spiders or Tailless Whip Scorpions. Despite...

Jumping Spider Care Guide

Jumping Spider General Care Guide Welcome to the World of Jumping Spiders! Jumping spiders are a unique and charming family of spiders known for their adorable appearances and playful behavior. If you’re intrigued by these fascinating creatures and thinking of...

Giant Burrowing Roach Care Guide

Meet the Heavyweights: Giant Burrowing Roaches (Macropanesthia rhinoceros) These roaches are big – up to 80mm long and weighing up to 30g. They hang out in the dry eucalypt scrubland of northern Queensland, digging deep burrows with their strong, spiky legs. At night,...

How to take care of Stick insects

Taking Care of Stick Insects: Your Guide to a Leafy Adventure Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey of caring for stick insects? These fascinating creatures make great pets, and with the right knowledge, you can create a thriving environment for them....