Marbled Scorpion (Lychas marmoreus)


Marbled Scorpions Lychas marmoreus (Buthidae) makes excellent low maintenance pets

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About our marbled scorpions :

Marbled Scorpions –  Lychas marmoreus (Buthidae) makes excellent low maintenance pets.  These little scorpions from South Australia like to hide under bark and roam at night looking for prey.  We like to feed them roaches and very small crickets.  The males are more active than the females, and are a great choice for a first pet.  They can be housed in groups and do not need to burrow, so an enclosure with coco-peat or peat-sand mix will suffice.

Sold as unsexed sub-adults/adults that can reach an adult length (including tail) from 25-30mm.


  • Social scorpion, so can be kept together in large groups (they do not care much for social distancing)
  • Very hardy and easy to keep, so makes an excellent pet for beginners
  • Non aggressive – in fact their favourite trick is to “play dead” – often as long as 30 minutes!


  • Mildly venomous
  • Quite small and nocturnally active, so they hide under bark in the day

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Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg